Obstetric Care

Prenatal Care

Having a healthy pregnancy starts long before that positive test result. So if you are planning to start or expand your family, preconception counselling can help prepare your body to carry a healthy pregnancy to full term or even increase your chances of getting pregnant.

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Antenatal care

Missing a period is generally the most common sign of pregnancy. However, others may suggest implantation, including:

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Childbirth and Delivery

A birth plan is what you would like to happen during labour and after birth. It can also include what pain relief you prefer and delivery positions you feel will be most comfortable.

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Postnatal care

The postpartum period begins one hour after delivery of the placenta and generally lasts six weeks.

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Infertility Workup

Suppose you are under 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for over 12 months, or you are over 35 and have been trying to conceive for over 6 months. In that case, it is recommended that you schedule an appointment with Dr Marion Ntsako Nkanyane for an infertility workup.

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